Can I claim compensation for a holiday injury in Devon?

Yes, you can claim compensation for a holiday injury in Devon, depending on the circumstances of the accident that caused it.

In most cases your holiday injury claim will be made against the party who was directly responsible for you suffering injury. This could, for example be the hotel or guesthouse where you were staying or a tourist attraction that you visited.

To make a successful claim you will usually need to show that the third party was at fault. They may for instance have failed to maintain their property, causing you to trip or slip on an uneven or wet surface. Or they might have allowed you to use a defective piece of equipment. Alternatively you may have suffered food poisoning caused by unhygienic conditions at a restaurant or food establishment, or you may have been injured in a road accident involving a vehicle operated by a tour provider or local business.

When you are injured you should take the following steps:

Seek Medical Attention
Your health is the priority, so make sure you receive medical treatment as soon as possible. Not only is this crucial for your recovery, but medical records will also be important evidence when making a holiday injury claim.

Report the Accident
It is important that you report the accident to the management in control of the place where it occurred (such as a hotel, holiday park, or activity provider). Ensure they record the incident in their accident log or accident book.

Gather Evidence
Take photographs of the scene of your accident, and your injuries. If there were witnesses, ask them for their contact details. Keep any paperwork such as medical records or receipts for medical treatment.

Keep Records
Remember to keep a record of all expenses you incur that are related to the injury. This includes medical costs, travel expenses, and loss of earnings. This will help in evidencing the compensation you are entitled to.

Consult a solicitor as soon as you can. You can wait until you return home, but if you’d like to speak to one of our solicitors while you are still in Devon then we would be very happy to have a chat and offer some initial advice together with an idea of what your claim could be worth. It pays to use solicitors based in Devon where the accident occurred as we are often able to use our local knowledge to improve the prospects of making a successful claim.

When you are ready to proceed with your claim our award-winning team will assess the merits of the case free of charge and then guide you through the legal process of making a claim. We operate on a “no win, no fee” basis, so you won’t have to pay legal fees if your claim is unsuccessful.

The final award of compensation will depend on several factors, including the severity of your injury, its impact on your life, and any financial losses you have incurred as a result of the accident. If you are likely to have losses going forward then these too can be built into the claim.

So, if you were injured on holiday due to someone else’s negligence, you have the right to claim compensation. Our team of specialist solicitors can help you navigate the process and maximise your chances of making a successful claim.

For further guidance on making a claim for a holiday injury in Devon, call our free legal helpline on 0808 139 1594 or send us an email with details of your case.

Can I claim compensation for a holiday injury in Devon?
For a free case assessment
0808 139 1594

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