Devon and Somerset motorbike claim solicitors

Devon and Somerset motorbike claim solicitors have won another compensation case for a client involved in a motorcycle accident.

The motorcyclist, an experienced rider who had ridden motorbikes for the majority of his life, was injured in a collision with a truck travelling in the opposite direction. The log-loaded truck had indicated left, but then suddenly turned right, right into our client’s path. Our client had no time to take evasive action and collided with the rear of the truck.

It was lucky that he was wearing good quality protective clothing. This prevented what could easily have been catastrophic injuries.

However, the rider did not walk away from the accident unscathed. He hurt both his wrists, which resulted in him developing carpal tunnel syndrome. He also sustained multiple rib fractures, a punctured lung, and a dislocated shoulder.

His extensive injuries meant he was unable to work for six weeks, resulting in lost earnings, and causing him significant financial strain.

Personal injury lawyer, Carly Sylvester, submitted a compensation claim to the insurers of the truck. They responded by presenting our client with an offer of £7,000. On Carly’s advice, he rejected this offer and we arranged to obtain expert medical evidence on his injuries from a GP and a Consultant Orthopedic surgeon.

Carly was then able to obtain an increased offer and an out of court settlement was reached in the sum of £15,000. This was over double the initial offer received.

Our client was delighted with the outcome and Carly’s advice not to accept the original offer. He was kind enough to leave feedback thanking Carly for her professionalism and achieving a satisfying outcome for him. He said he could highly recommend us and would definitely use Carly’s services again if he ever needed to make another personal injury claim.

Contact Devon and Somerset motorbike claim solicitors for a free review of your case and details of No Win, No Fee funding.

Call 0808 139 1594 or send us an email with brief details of your case.

Devon and Somerset motorbike claim solicitors
For a free case assessment
0808 139 1594

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